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How to Hire a Criminal Lawyer in Dallas After You Have Been Charged

The American criminal justice system is a complex web of laws, rights and provisions that start to take effect the moment you are charged with a misdemeanor or felony offense.

Every aspect of your case and detail will either work to exonerate you from the charges and receive a dismissal in court or strengthen the State’s case against you.

Do you know what to do immediately after you have been arrested on a charge? Oftentimes you are held with minimal communication access during the holding period pending the official reading of your charges. Does your family know how they can help you during this time?

At Redden Law, PLLC, we know that first time offenders are often missing the necessary information they need to protect themselves during incarceration, and we would like to share the essential steps you need to take, to ensure that you have the right legal defense in place, to help you through the difficult process.

A Court Ordered Attorney is Not Your Best Option for Serious Criminal Offenses

Public defenders are some of the nicest and most sincere lawyers you will meet.  But that doesn’t mean they have the best resources or skills to help you get the best results for your misdemeanor or felony charge.

What you need to consider is that these public defenders are often overworked, and underpaid.  They have a burgeoning case load which is very demanding for them. Without adequate resources and support, it can be harder for them to bring their A-Game to each case, including yours.

On the other hand, a private Criminal Attorney has additional resources to devote to your case (and time) to help you get the best result possible.  At Redden Law, PLLC, we manage our case load effectively to ensure that every client is getting 100% of our focus, energy and supplemental resources, to build a defense strategy that provides best results.

Choosing a Criminal Law Expert in Dallas

Redden Law, PLLC is licensed to practice Federal Criminal Defense law in the State of Texas.  What this means is that in addition to providing over a decade of legal expertise, Attorney Britt Redden can represent you in the most serious criminal charges.

Britt Redden’s expertise with Federal Criminal Law in Texas, provides additional insight and strategies that provide results for our clients, who may be charged with a lesser criminal offense or misdemeanor.   Each one of our clients at Redden Law, PLLC, receives a free initial consultation before a retainer is negotiated with the client for legal defense services.

Our Advice? Get Financially Prepared for Court Ordered Fines

In cases of first-time offenders, at a minimum, the charge for drug possession in Texas is either a “Class B” or “Class A” misdemeanor. This carries a penalty of up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $4,000, depending on the type of drug. For example, if you’re in possession of a drug that falls into Penalty Group 1 (opioids, painkillers, cocaine), the charge may be considered a misdemeanor with one to two years in jail and a fine to be determined in court.

However, this charge may increase from two years to a maximum of life imprisonment plus fines of up to $250,000 for possession of a larger amount of the same substance, say 400 grams or more. With larger amounts of certain substances, the charge may be a first-degree felony for “drug possession with intent to distribute.”

In Texas, it is understood that these fines for many families, cannot be paid for right away, and there are provisions that allow you to set up a payment plan over time.  However, in the case of a significantly large fine, many defendants can struggle with the minimum monthly payments required to remain on the plan in good standing.  And when you default on these payments, additional charges are added, and there are other legal consequences for failing to meet the terms of the payment agreement.

What is good news for residents of Texas, is that our court system is making new legal provisions to give low-income defendants a chance to break that negative cycle, where they cannot afford the payments and end up incurring more debt as a result of additional fines.

Texas Judges now offer lower-income defendants accused of low-level and first-time crimes, the option to ‘pay out’ the fine with Community Service.  In some minor cases with first-time offenders, Dallas Judges have the power to reduce the fines, or even waive them, if the defendant can prove the fines would provide an undue burden on them.

Qualifying burdens can include inability to pay rent and risk homelessness, when children and their care may be compromised by financial burden, or when the individual has a health condition that provides additional financial strain.  These are just a few practical examples of when a Judge may decide to waive or lower legal fines, but they must be pleaded by a criminal attorney and evidence must be presented to the court to legitimize this claim for financial relief and alternative options.

If you have been charged with a criminal offense in Dallas, Texas, it may take several months to over a year before your case is filed and you receive a court date.  During this time, if possible, we advise that our clients focus on saving as much as they can for representation, possible court-mandated classes, court costs and fines.

What Can Britt Redden and Redden Law, PLLC Do for You?

You want a criminal defense attorney who will not back down.  Britt Redden understands that any legal charge (felony or misdemeanor) can have significant lifelong consequences, impacting your job, finances, family life and freedom.

How can Redden Law, PLLC help your criminal case?

  • Give you the confidence you need to tell your story and explain the unique circumstances that led to the event and arrest.
  • Explain legal procedures so that you understand the process, and what to expect when you have been charged with a misdemeanor or felony offense.
  • Get straight answers and strategies, based on the experience of similar cases, to help build your most comprehensive defense.
  • Help you gather and provide evidence to attempt to negotiate lighter sentencing, reduced fines, and shorter probation times.

Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation.  And follow Redden Law, PLLC on Facebook for interesting news and articles to help you learn more about your rights, and changes to Texas legislation that may apply to your case and legal defense.

When the Red and Blue lights are lit, call Britt!

Schedule your free legal consultation.
