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Attorney Britt Redden Reflects on the First Anniversary of Redden Law PLLC

If you had told this starry-eyed Freshman Red Raider that she would eventually grow up to become a Criminal Defense Attorney and own, her own law firm before she was 30…. she’d tell you that you were crazy.

Truth be told I went to Texas Tech to get that MRS. degree. Luckily, I had a change of heart my junior year and was dead set on going to law school at SMU. Those that know me, know I am one of the most stubborn people you’ll ever met. But arguably it’s that same – passion, tenacity & determination that make me an exceptional attorney.

Everyone at SMU was brilliant. I knew I had to lock it down and work four times as hard as anyone else to make it. I kept my head down and continued to grind. Those three years challenged me to my full ability; they were difficult, but they also built new levels of fortitude. I graduated Cum Laude at SMU.

The Bar was the ultimate test of my discipline and mental durability.  I told myself if I didn’t pass, I wasn’t meant to be a lawyer. Law school was hard enough. I lived, ate, slept, and breathed Bar Prep. I was relentless, and that effort paid off, as I passed the Bar and proved first to myself, that I had what it took to be a criminal law attorney.

As you might imagine, I wanted to do things my way. I didn’t want to do Big Law. No matter how hard I tried to get excited about numbers and contracts l couldn’t. I couldn’t hide it any longer – Criminal Defense was my passion and everyone at SMU knew it! My favorite response I ever gave to everyone’s favorite question of how I could be a defense Attorney will always be “Jesus was the original public defender. He DIED for your sins.” I’m blessed to have learned early on in life that my calling is Criminal Defense. However, that path to live out that calling was not without obstacles.

SMU career counselors told me “NO” when I said I wanted to go straight into private practice with a Criminal Defense firm. I was told that I had to go work at the District Attorney’s Office. I was laughed at and told no one would hire me. Well of course, this only made me even more determined to prove them wrong. And I did just that!  I was last amongst my classmates to gain employment because I wanted to break from the traditional conventions.  To this day SMU Career Center still holds that I am one of the first and only graduates to go straight into criminal defense private practice.

After sitting for the Bar, I was hired on with a large scale and outstanding Criminal Defense firm – before I was even licensed. I remember my first day like it was yesterday. I was immediately thrown into the mix. It was fast-paced and challenging. I was given more responsibility than most 3rd year associates on my first day.  I was hungry to learn and to do more, and I hustled harder than most. I definitely learned how to sink before I swam. I stayed hungry and kept wanting more. And that hunger, or “stubbornness,” is what led to Redden Law, PLLC.

My time with that firm was incredible. I am forever grateful for the responsibility, trust and freedom I was given from the start.  It more than prepared me for Redden Law.

I’ve always said that God has a funny way of pushing you to do something you‘re a little not ready to do. I think that’s how we grow. And it’s in those moments where you learn what you’re made of, and God’s intention for the gifts and talents He has bestowed on you. The tough get tougher and continue to grow and strengthen personally and professionally at an exponential rate. Those breakthroughs make you who you are today and allow you to break through the ceiling of limitations, so that only you define what is possible for you to achieve.

I am so grateful for the Lord’s push One Year Ago today. He knew I was ready, and I put my faith and trust in Him. He did not fail me. This past year has been such a rewarding whirlwind of growth and service to my clients.  I am so blessed to have the opportunity to help others, save lives, salvage families, careers and countless others. Because sometimes bad things happen to good people; and when it does, they need someone to stand with them and fight.  And that for me, is the most rewarding aspect of my career as a criminal law attorney.

Thank you to my amazing colleagues and mentors in law, who pushed me to my potential as an attorney.  To my amazing family and friends, who supported me and nourished my drive to succeed and open my private law practice.   To my clients, who share these difficult journeys with me, and allow me the honor of defending their legal rights; thank you for your faith and trust in me.

Reflecting on the first year of my private practice, as the founder of Redden Law PPLC, I am grateful for my experiences and for the chance to serve my community as a defender and advocate.  There is no more rewarding career in this world, than serving as a criminal law attorney.  Thank you.

Britt Redden



When the Red and Blue are lit, call Britt!

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